Oil and fat substances separators

Separators for petroleum substances devices whose task is to purify rainwater discharged from parking lots, gas stations or roads. Separators also purify technological wastewater, which originate, for example, from car washes, workshops, as well as vehicle storage areas.

Fat substance separators devices whose task is to retain all animal and vegetable fat molecules. Separators also purify technological sewage, which originate, for example, from restaurants, fast food restaurants, hotels, slaughterhouses and also from slaughterhouses. The greasy sewage should not be discharged into the sewage system without proper pre-treatment. Strongly greasy sewage causes a reduction in the efficiency of sewage treatment plants, and also causes clogging of sewage pipes. Currently, high quality separators are designed in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN 1825: 2005 and DIN 4040.
Fat separator Mini FAT under-sink fat separatorFuel substances separator OIL IFuel substances separator OIL 3LS I with desilter

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