The Chamber of Commerce Polish Waterworks appeals to the Minister of the Environment to return to the current method of calculating fees for water abstraction for the purpose of supplying the population, as well as to change the date of entry into force of the Water Law Act.


Changes in the rates of fees for using the environment provided for in the draft Water Law will drastically increase the costs of water and sewage companies, and as a result, water price increases of several percent - the Chamber alerts. Currently, the average rate of the fee for the intake of groundwater supplied for human consumption is approx. PLN 0.07 /m3. After the changes, it will amount to an average of PLN 0.49 /m3, and in the largest cities even PLN 0.70 /m3. For water companies, this means an increase in the environmental fee by 700%, for the largest of them - even by 1000%. Therefore, the price of water (the average price is PLN 3-4 net for 1 m3) supplied to consumers in Poland will include from a dozen to twenty percent of the environmental fee.

The inhabitants of large cities will pay the most

„It is surprising that for water intended for human consumption, the Ministry of the Environment proposes not as before, preferential rates, but identical fees as for water used in industry (e.g. mining, production of hides and leather products, production and processing of coke and refined petroleum products)” - we read in the The Chamber of Commerce Polish Waterworks release. The Chamber also draws attention to the levy of the highest ecological tax on residents of large cities using extensive water supply systems, while people with their own small water intake will be exempt from this fee...

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